The world might be a wondrous melting pot of creation, but it’s not as big as we think. Nature/travel-themed shows are proof of that!
Whether you’re seeking vacation inspiration or getting amped for your next adventure, these 5 shows are sure to steer you along on your odyssey:
This one tops everyone’s travel show list and you just need to watch one episode to fully understand why. With over 100 expeditions over 12 seasons, this award-winning series follows Bourdain across every continent as he seeks to understand both the socio-economic and cultural crux of each destination. Although this inquisitive yet charismatic host sadly passed away in 2018, his legacy of fearlessly wandering the world will live on poignantly in this series.
Looking for a docuseries that will transport you on an emotional rollercoaster of a journey? This one's for you! The Kindness Diaries is an epic exploration as its host, former broker Leon Logothetis, attempts to discover our planet relying solely on the altruism of strangers. Safety and survival are the common underlying themes of many episodes, but the show itself is an overall heartfelt story. Good deeds are bartered and often returned with another of priceless value — a great reminder that, no matter where you are, a deep human connection can always be made.
A fun title for an equally fun show. The cameras trail South African Master Chef and food blogger, Kamini Pather, through major global cities as she delves into their unique cuisines. With the help of local food writers, she dissects culinary and cultural relationships, both past and present. No place is off limits as she samples food everywhere from fine dining spots to street stalls. This show is cinematic proof that nothing brings people together like tasteful experiences can!
You’ve never heard the story of Earth told like this before! Viewers are taken on an exhilarating expedition lead by host Will Smith and an elite group of 8 astronauts. Everything from geological processes to biological phenomena are explored to understand how fragile yet perfectly engineered our planet is. Prepare yourself to be wowed in every episode with extraordinary visuals from both Earth and space, paired with mind-blowing facts. Certified binge-worthy!
An amazing travel documentary that every backpacking adventurer can relate to. This film tracks a handful of nomads who take the plunge solo into the unknown . Spanning across 4 continents, this movie is nothing short of an emotional pilgrimage as it captures and showcases the highs and lows of backpacking culture. And for the curious, knowledge of the when, why, and how-to of this chosen life path are answered. Gift yourself a viewing of this movie, we promise you won’t regret it!
The thrill of experiencing the world firsthand is truly incomparable to watching it evolve on-screen. However, the constraints of life are real and opportunities for worldly exploration may not always present itself. Thankfully, with shows like these and countless others, there’s no limit as to when and where our minds may wander.